Gannet Cohort
Melbourne 2018/2019Bicycles for Humanity
Bicycles for Humanity collects second hand bicycles and ships them to communities in need, thus improving access to education, healthcare and basic necessities such as food and water.
Big Group Hug
Big Group Hug is a volunteer run organisation that supports disadvantaged families in the community by providing donated goods to help them care for their young children, aged newborn to twelve years old.
Birth for Humankind
Birth for Humankind provides free birth support and education programs for women across Melbourne who are experiencing disadvantage.
Free to Feed
Free to Feed provides cooking classes, workshops and events that provide critical training, mentoring and employment opportunities for people who have sought refuge and asylum in Australia.
Little Dreamers Australia
Little Dreamers makes life better for Young Carers, young people living in a family affected my disability, illness and addiction. We do this through connections, support programs and recognition.
Mindfull Aus
Mindfull Aus aims to give people a better understanding of Mental Illness, wellness and resilience, in turn improving the live’s of those affected with a strength based, self disciplined holistic approach.
Wear for Success
Wear for Success is the only Melbourne based NFP providing professional clothing and coaching to both men and women on their journey to employment.
Welcome Dinner Project
Welcome Dinner Project brings people of all cultural backgrounds together to share their food and their stories in a space of love, respect and listening so they feel valued, discover their connection to the broader community and are animated to take action from that space.
Wild at Heart Community Arts
Wild At Heart makes opportunities for people who are highly marginalized through disability, mental illness and disadvantage to find their “voice” through music and arts making, develop skills and contribute to the community.
Women and Mentoring
Women and Mentoring (WAM) is an early intervention program that supports women charged with a criminal offence by matching them with a supportive female mentor.
The information provided on this page is true and accurate as at the start of each person’s participation in The Growth Program. For up to date information on the charities, charity leaders and business leaders, please refer to their websites or LinkedIn profiles.